Dear Zindagi (English: Dear Life) is a 2016 Indian drama film directed by Gauri Shinde and produced by Gauri Khan, Karan Johar and Gauri Shinde under the banners of Red Chillies Entertainment, Dharma Productions and Hope Productions respectively. It stars an ensemble cast of Alia Bhatt, Ira Dubey, Kunal Kapoor, Ali Zafar, Angad Bedi, Aditya Roy Kapur and Shah Rukh Khan, with the latter doing an extended cameo. Principal photography began in early 2016 and was completed in May. The film released on 23 November 2016 in North America, two days before its worldwide release on 25 November 2016.
When we meet Kaira aka Koko (Alia Bhatt) in Dear Zindagi first, she is working. On a set. Looking at the world through a lens, constructing pretty images. We know, from her smile, and from the appreciative comments of her co-workers, that she is good at what she does. To have a female lead presented as possessing a profession from the get-go, and excelling at it, still feel like a significant step for a Bollywood movie. And to have Kaira declare to a current love that she has had a fling with another feels nothing short of a revolution. Right there, within a few minutes of the opening of ‘Dear Zindagi’, director Gauri Shinde has us intrigued. We want to know more about Kaira, about what makes her tick, what she wants to do, because she wants to do something, be someone.
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