Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox 360 Images Released


In a time where people are still shifting between the old generation of consoles and the new generation, some developers need to be able to adhere to all of their fans, even if it means making the same game for double the platforms.  Rise of the Tomb Raider was announced last year to be a timed exclusive for Microsoft, meaning that not only will the game be available for Xbox One, but also for Xbox 360.  Today, a few screenshots were released with side by side comparisons of the Xbox One version of the game with the Xbox 360 version and the difference is very noticeable.  It’s clear that the 360 version had to really downsize in the flourishing department in order to accommodate the older generation.  It’s a little sad, but at least players who haven’t upgraded yet will be able to play one of this year’s biggest games.
Rise of the Tomb Raider will be released November 10 for Xbox One and Xbox 360 and sometime next year for PS4 and PS3.
Check out the comparisons below (top: Xbox One / bottom: Xbox 360):
