Kyo-fu! Zombie Neko TV Anime Series Premieres on October 1

Animation studio Kachidoki Studio (Chiisana Ojisan, Litchi DE Hikari Club) is launching a new TV anime series titled Kyo-fu! Zombie Neko on TV Tokyo on October 1. Manga creator and illustrator Kanahei (Onnanoko tte.) designed the original characters for the series.
The series of "warm and soothing" anime shorts will follow a cat who is suddenly resurrected from the grave, and begins to wander around town. Despite being a zombie, the cat is able to get all the townsfolk to fall in love with it.
Hiroshi Namiki (Tenpō Suikoden NEO, Nekokirai no Ie ni Umareta Nekosuki ga Neko to Kurashi E Nikki) is directing the series, and Motoichi Adachi (Litchi DE Hikari Club, Ganbare! Odenkun) is writing the scripts. Spellbound is producing the sound, and Satoshi Kashimura is serving as sound director.
The series will air within TV Tokyo's Animusu! program. The show will also air on TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting, TV Hokkaido, TV Setouchi, TV Osaka, and KIDS STATION.
Kanahei's Onnanoko tte. manga inspired a series of shorts within the children's variety program OhaStu (Good Morning Studio) in February.
