The next version of Android now has a name: Marshmallow


Ever since it launched, every major version of Android has had a dessert name. It started off with Android 1.5 Cupcake back in 2009. Nine versions later, we're finally at Android M and now, it has a name: Marshmallow.   

Check out the video above where a bunch of Googlers reveal how they zeroed in on Marshmallow (over, you know, Milkshake, or Marzipan). There's also a cool bit where you get to meet the guy who actually makes the Android sculptures that currently sit on the lawn in front of the Android building in Google's Mountain View headquarters.
Android Marshmallow -- officially version 6.0 -- will roll out to supported Android phones later this year, probably in October or November.
Some of the new features include direct sharing between Android devices and built-in support for fingerprint sensors.
