Here are 5 reasons why the Blackberry 10 smartphone is seen as a better option over the android smartphone.
1. Multitasking: On Blackberry 10, any app can be instantly minimized with the swipe up gesture and is then accessible as a small file on a separate screen.
2. BlackBerry Hub: The Blackberry 10 has a dedicated hub that unites all your text messages, IMs, emails, social network feeds, call records, etc., in one centralized place, thereby making it easy to get all your notifications in order, read, and respond how you want.
3. Search: In BB 10 OS, you don’t have to open up a dedicated search apps, just start typing your desired term from the home screen and the search window opens up automatically.
4. Notifications: On BB OS 10, all new incoming messages and notifications are shown momentarily. This works with all apps including games. Android provides the same functionality, but they don’t work well with all apps. The blackberry 10 has a better notification access than its android counterpart.
5. Security: With Android phones, if you forgot your password all you need do is to get the phone flashed to bypass the security lockscreen. The same can’t be done on BB OS 10. The blackberry 10 OS is more secured than the android OS. Since the android OS is an open source, it can be easily tweaked or customised, making prone to virus and easy to hack.
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